Feel Spring!
If March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb, and April Showers bring May Flowers, then Spring must be lurking nearby! As I look outside and still see remnants of a big northeast snow storm from last week, I also see and hear the hope of Spring! Robins pecking at the patches of grass beginning to show, Blue Birds singing and answering to one another in the tree branches. A lone purple crocus in the middle of last year’s bark mulch, that must have been transplanted by a ground mole or some other critter and mini daffy’s with their cheerful yellow flowers just beginning to open.

When you live in an area like the northeast where there are four definitive seasons, there is always a little sense of the miraculous when the gray/brown doldrums of winter somewhat slowly transform themselves into the vibrant, colorful hues of spring. Although there is still a chill in the evening air, the longer hours of sunlight defrost the land bring a promise of warmer days ahead.

I don’t enjoy being cooped up in the house for the winter. But I also don’t find that cold, crisp winter air to be refreshing or at all pleasant. So I look forward to spring with a vengeance, counting every extra minute of daylight checking and the buds on the trees each day for progress. Perhaps that is the best part about spring; the wonder, the hope and the anticipation of long walks, lush gardens, a glass of wine on the deck or a visit with a neighbor on the porch. Spring awakens all your senses; Just go outside on a sunny spring day and wait quietly. You will see spring, you will hear spring, you will smell spring…you will FEEL spring!