Ring in the New Year!
It’s only natural, I think, when the calendar changes from end to beginning, old to new, last to first, that we reflect on the past year, and also look forward to the new one ahead.
2019 was a creative and productive year here at Golden Hill Studio. We introduced our Gift Registry. We unveiled two new glassware designs this year, as well. Our Flamingo Fun Collection that takes its inspiration from the glorious birds in the southeast made it's first appearance just a few months ago.
Earlier this year, a labor of love, our Springtime in Paris Collection was introduced. France is a favorite destination of mine, and to capture the essence of this charming country in our glassware was a long-awaited goal, realized.
Speaking of France, I was able to travel to the Dordogne region of that country this past fall. The inspiration of the art and beauty of the locale will undoubtedly find it’s way into future designs at some point.
And as for the immediate future, I’m excited to be working on some new table runner designs to add to our existing collection. We will be unveiling these in 2020, so keep your eyes peeled!
As all of you reflect and look to the future, I wish you health, joy, prosperity and happiness. Thank you for your continued support of our little studio up on Golden Hill!