The "Doldrums"
The “Doldrums”
- a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression. (Oxford Dictionary)
Well folks, I know that there are a great many of you out there that embrace winter; enjoy it, even. Yeah…that’s not me. When I think about winter, the “doldrums” is what first comes to mind. It’s cold, it’s dark, there is snow to shovel, worries about driving on ice, not to mention the layers and layers of clothing one needs just to go out the front door. You see where I’m going with this…
But it’s a new year, and I’ve resolved to try to muddle through winter as best I can, in order to be overjoyed to hear the lovely chirps of the birds and the early flowers popping up through the ground during those first few precious days of spring.
I’m going to make an effort to find things to do that make winter more enjoyable, more bearable, more fun! I thought there may just be someone else out there like me who is going to give it their best shot and thought I’d share some of my winter goals with you.
- Learn (or re-learn) to ice skate. (Insert ski, snow board, snow shoe etc.)
The local high school in the next town over is also home to a community ice rink. While they host numerous hockey games and figure skating lessons and shows, they also offer a free skate, mid-week for any age and any ability. They rent skates and the ice is yours for 2 hours. The cost is minimal, and while I look like a toddler learning to walk, I’m actually having fun with this activity!

2) Attend a winter festival.
I’m guessing if you do some research in your community, you’ll find that your city or town, or one nearby, is host to some type of winter carnival, usually in January or February. Of course these are weather permitting, and in the northeast, 20 degrees one year, might be 50 degrees the next on the same date. Again, in my area, the winter carnival offers an ice sculpting contest, a laser light show, fireworks, a chili cook-off and a K-9 Keg Pull.

3) Join a book club. (Or a bowling league, or a quilting group)
If you really want to avoid the cold, find a hobby you enjoy and then go out and do it with other people! We are social creatures, and hibernating in our homes all winter long is not good for the soul.

I understand if winter is not your thing. But after just a few weeks of forcing myself to embrace the season, I’m happier, healthier and honestly, the days are flying by. I’ll be tip-toeing through the tulips in no time!