Memorial Day
Memorial Day is once again upon us. Known as the unofficial start of summer and a long weekend for barbecues and picnics, it is also important to remember the significance of this day and why we celebrate.

As we all try to contemplate a fragile world, which seems to be filled with chaos and uncertainty, Memorial Day is a time to take a step back, be thankful and hopeful. As conflict rages in Eastern Europe, it serves as a reminder for the freedoms we enjoy, and yes, take for granted here in the United States. But the history of past wars and conflicts also provide hope for our future. A hope that just like generations before us, we can overcome oppression and aggression to find kindness, generosity and liberation in our world.

So this Memorial Day, as you fire up the grill, ice up the cooler and head out to the beach or the lake or your best friend’s back yard, take time to honor those that fought for these freedoms. Attend a parade, place flags in the cemetery, plant flowers at a grave or even decorate your porch to share your love of country.

Happy Memorial Day!