A Day in the Life
As many of you know, my studio is located in my big, old rambling farmhouse, that I’ve been renovating for 40 + years. I love my home, I love working in my home and I don’t think I’d have it any other way. Today’s post is just to give you a little insight into a typical workday here at Golden Hill Studio.
The studio is located at the back of the house, overlooking my gardens. If you look to the right in the photo below, the studio is located in the area with the full-length windows and door.
Most days my lead artist Sarah, is working hard at the wheel, painting whichever design we need most. I work behind her at my computer, dealing with orders, inquiries and myriad other business necessities.
On warmer days, I’ll move to the porch to get some fresh air, with lots of help from my assistant, Mr. Bud. (Yes, I’m referring to the cat in my lap).
The rustic old barn on my property serves as our warehouse. Below, Sharon is busy packing orders and getting them ready to ship.
After many years of perfecting our workflow, we seem to have gotten into a great rhythm, and I’m so lucky to have both Sarah and Sharon to help Golden Hill Studio run as smoothly as it does!