Labor Day
As we head into the Labor Day Weekend, I’m struck by two somewhat opposing thought processes. For some, it seems that Labor Day signals a BEGINNING of sorts. Granted, many schools and colleges have just gone back into session or will begin the day after Labor Day. Some look at it as a time to buckle down at work, after some lazy summer days, and many consider it the unofficial start of fall.

Still others approach it maybe as a “last hurrah”. A weekend at the beach soaking up some of those last summer rays, or taking the kids camping, or a theme park before they find themselves in a classroom for 8 hours a day. Family picnics abound, as one of the last get-togethers before the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

However you choose to approach it, I’m reminded of the significance of Labor Day. It began in New York City as a means to salute the work force and all those who labored to build the infrastructure, transportation and factories in the city and in the United States. Declared a National Day of Observance by Congress in 1894, the celebration has been recognized unwaveringly since that time.

And while things have changed drastically in the 100+ years since then, I think now is the BEST time to re-commit our recognition to all those who are still working effortlessly to build a strong, successful, sustainable country for us to call home.