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Home is Where the Heart is.

Fabulous Flowers

Fabulous Flowers

For some, August signals the end of summer. Schools are opening in some parts of the country, days are getting shorter...
Shelley Nicholson
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Love your Lemons

Love your Lemons

Today, July 23rd, is National Lemon Day, according to the National Day Calendar. What’s so great about lemons...
Shelley Nicholson
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Coastal Dreaming

Coastal Dreaming

Do you love the coastal life, buy are maybe still a few pennies short of buying that beach house? Not to worry...
Shelley Nicholson
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Outdoor Décor

Outdoor Décor

If you’re fortunate enough to have any type of outdoor living space, you’ll want to enjoy your time spent there. Whether it’s a porch, a deck or patio, a gazebo or a pool house, consider it an extension of your home and decorate in a style that makes you happy. Just like with any décor project your budget can range from re-purposed to extravagant. Just remember it’s more about the memories made than the money spent.

Consider these options to spruce up your space:


If your space is uncovered and subject to the elements, look specifically for outdoor carpets. They are usually designed to dry quickly and not mold from rain and humidity. They also keep the bottoms of your bare feet from burning when the sun is beating down on your deck flooring! If you have a narrow space like a porch, you may want to go with a runner or two. Florals and pastels work well for that summer vibe!




Nothing says summer like vibrant, pretty posies. Beautiful annuals that thrive in large and small pots come in every color of the rainbow. Pick colors that compliment your space. For example with gray flooring or siding, I lean towards pinks, purples and blues. With brown, the warmer reds, oranges and yellows really make a statement!



Unless you have pre-existing outdoor electrical outlets and wiring, I would recommend you go solar. Solar lighting is relatively inexpensive and comes in numerous forms. Hang strands of tiny lights around railings or trees in the yard for a subtle, summery feel. Light walkways with in-ground solar lights that come in all different shapes and sizes. And if you lean towards the mystical, there’s no end to solar creatures (hummingbirds, dragonflies, dolphins etc.) that gently change color while you relax in your outdoor space!

Shelley Nicholson
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Al Fresco, If You Will...

Al Fresco, If You Will...

I’ve written often about my love of summer and especially the options it provides to eat outdoors...
Shelley Nicholson
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Gardening in June

Gardening in June

We are fast approaching the beginning of June, and in some areas, it may seem too late to start gardening. But that’s the beauty...
Shelley Nicholson
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Setting the Table; the Do's, Don'ts and In-between

Setting the Table; the Do's, Don'ts and In-between

If you’re like me, you don’t have frequent occasion to set a formal table. Our lives have become much more casual than years ago...
Shelley Nicholson
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A is for Asparagus

A is for Asparagus

I love asparagus. And I know I’ve written about it before. But since we’re almost into fresh asparagus season...
Shelley Nicholson
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Herbs; Nourish and Decorate

Herbs; Nourish and Decorate

We all know herbs are a fantastic way to flavor food. Soups, stews, casseroles, meats and vegetables are generally brought to another level...
Shelley Nicholson
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Spring into Action

Spring into Action

Spring brings the promise of new beginnings. Trees are budding, birds are nesting and there’s a general feeling of hope and anticipation in the air. I think spring is also a great time to take action. For many of us, there’s something we’ve always wanted to do to give back; to our family, friends, neighbors or community. I feel like this season is literally the time to “spring” forward and make something happen.

I’ve always wanted to volunteer somehow for a local animal shelter, but of course work (mostly) and other commitments have seemingly kept me from taking the plunge. Every location is different but did you know that at many shelters they will welcome anything from 1 hour a week, to several days of volunteerism. Walk some dogs, clean some kennels, help shelve donated food, or pet some cats. A few minutes really can make a difference in the quality of an animal’s life until he/she finds their forever home.



Not a pet person? Consider some of these other options where likewise, just a little of your time can make a LOT of difference. 

  • See what your local senior center might need. Do you have a skill or talent? Teach a sewing or exercise class or play cards or board games with some of the members.
  • Schools. While you may need some professional skills to coach a sport, often volunteers are needed to help maintain playing areas, or with administrative duties for school clubs and organizations.
  • Local clubs. Many small communities have member clubs such as the Elks, the Moose, Knights of Columbus and more. They continuously look for new members to help with events they offer the community, whereby they raise money for scholarships, and local charitable organizations.
  • Veterans. While there are a number of high profile veterans organizations out there, if you live in a small community your local VFW or American Legion is a great place to help out while honoring the sacrifice made by so many over the years.


If you feel the call to give back, use this spring season as the catalyst to take that step and give back to others.

Shelley Nicholson
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The Perfect Reuben (in my opinion)

The Perfect Reuben (in my opinion)

St. Patrick’s Day is Sunday, but I’ve done so many posts about Corned Beef & Cabbage (or Boiled Dinner) that I decided it was time to switch it up a little...
Shelley Nicholson
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Spring Entertaining

Spring Entertaining

Ok, I don’t know about you, but we’re only a month away from the official start of spring and I can’t wait...
Shelley Nicholson
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